Rural Voices Part 6 | High Sierra Energy Foundation

The formation of a rural regional energy network (RuralREN) will allow local entities, who know their communities and the unique characteristic and obstacles such as: climate zones, language and income, to design and implement programs that meet the distinctive needs of local ratepayers. Regional energy networks were developed to address this gap and this localized approach will garner more equitable and meaningful outcomes for our rural and hard-to-reach communities – and they deserve that.

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RHTR Member
Rural Voices Part 5 | SBC

Since many Sierra towns are geographically isolated it is difficult for all customers to easily take advantage of utility energy efficiency programs. It is often the most vulnerable of utility customers who do not have equitable access to utility energy efficiency programs in which they pay into every month. We view this (Rural REN) as a collaborative opportunity to bridge the gaps and more comprehensively serve our rural regions.

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Rural Voices Part 4 | County of SLO

Local understanding of the issues rural communities face is an important factor for the development of a Regional Energy Network and associated programs. The County is excited to be a part of this effort with the Rural Hard to Reach Working Group in bringing more access and savings to our community while meeting the State’s climate, energy, and sustainability goals in a valuable and meaningful way.

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Rural Voices Part 3 | VCREA

Rural communities are also dealing with the devastating nature of California’s wildfires, climate change, and other issues impacting our communities. A REN can deliver more than energy efficiency, it can be a trusted local resource that supports resilient and healthy communities

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Rural Voices Part 2 | AMBAG

The promise of the RuralREN is to bring a diversity of perspectives and knowledge to the table along with a deep commitment to providing as many opportunities to rural communities as possible. This approach will not only drive the creation of successful programs but also enable partners to learn from each other on energy efficiency issues along with the numerous other issues that our respective agencies engage on.

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Rural Voices Part 1 | RCEA

By focusing on the rural hard-to-reach sector across the entire state, leveraging the expertise of the seven Rural REN partners, we will be able to provide services to these often-overlooked segments. Rural ratepayers deserve the same level of service as those in more densely populated areas, even if it requires greater effort, and we are creating the Rural REN to fulfill that need.

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RHTR Member